Trevor Phillips admits being 'complicit' in workplace harassment

2018-09-19 3

Former broadcaster Trevor Phillips has said he was 'complicit' in workplace harassment of young women.The former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, who has worked for the BBC, ITV, and Channel 4, said that such behaviour was commonplace in the world of television.Phillips admitted that he was guilty of doing little to prevent the targeting of young women by those who might 'pay our mortgages'. Trevor Phillips, speaking at the television conference, above, said the behaviour was commonplace in the world of television. Phillips has worked for London Weekend Television, the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 and served as chairman of the London Arts BoardSpeaking on a panel discussing diversity at the Royal Television Society conference in London, he said that he believes little has changed.Phillips said: 'After the (Harvey) Weinstein thing, this has been an issue for everyone in the entertainment industry.'When I was active in television, we would get a new young person, usually a young woman, in the office and say the usual: 'There's the coffee machine, there's the photocopier, there's your desk',' all that sort of stuff.'But then we'd say: 'Hold on, everybody here is very nice, but try not to get into a lift with Pete. He's a brilliant guy, he pays all our mortgages, but I think he's a little bit weird.''That was us dealing with harassment. The truth is, we were complicit.'We'd like to say it has changed. But it hasn't.' Phillips has been an advocate for race equality and free speech. He once said people 'should be free to offend one another' and  on another occasion said 'it was right to ask questions about multicultural Britain'Phillips asked the panel including head of inclusion at Barclays, Mark McLane, what could be done to change the situation.McLane said: 'You have to speak up and say it's not right. Your allowing things to happen is acceptance. That sends the message that it is OK.'Phillips, who chairs the equality assessment initiative the National Equality Standard, said that TV risks becoming a stale and limited medium without greater diversity.He said: 'There is a danger that British television could end up like the British aristocracy. A limited pool of rather inbred talent.' RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Salisbury Prezzo is still on lockdown despite NO novichok:... Russia is waging a ‘blatant disinformation’ war using... Share this article Share Culture Secretary Jeremy Wright is due to speak at the conference later today, when he will call for strong public broadcasting after 'blatant disinformation' in the wake of the Salisbury incident.He is due to criticise 'Kremlin-backed' sources for spreading false narratives about the poisoning on March 4 this year and is expected to specifically target RT, formerly Russia Today, for its programming.Mr Wright is set to highlight the state-funded station as a 'major concern', and call on the UK's own public broadcasters to fight back against disinformation.RT rece

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