As Promised Planned Chemical False Flag in Idlib by NATO and Terrorists

2018-09-15 3

Washington and the mainstream networks are gearing up for a possible final US-Damascus-Russia confrontation in response to Assad's military action in Idlib, representing the northwest province as "the last rebel stronghold" where Damascus simply seeks to "massacre civilians".

But Washington officials often contradict their own past positions, and this is glaringly clear in the case of Idlib, where Brett McGurk — the White House appointed anti-ISIS envoy who essentially acts as the president's personal diplomat in Iraq and Syria — previously described the true situation on the ground in unusually frank comments:

Special US envoy McGurk accurately described:

"Idlib provice is the largest al-Qaeda safe-have since 9/11, tied to directly to Ayman al Zawahiri, this is a huge problem."



Idlib, Idlib Chemical Weapons, Idlib Attack, Bashar al Assad, Donald Trump, President, White House, White Helmets, propaganda, Free Syrian Army, bombing, Russian, Putin, T4 Air Base, Israeli Air Strikes, Olive Group, Jisr al-Shughur, Tahrir al-Sham, USS The Sullivans, Kafr Zita, rocket attack, James Mattis, Mad Dog Mattis, Rex Tillerson, H R McMaster, John Bolton, China, North Korea, geopolitics, Homs, Douma, fake gas attack, history, Syria, Assad, cruise missiles, destroyer, war cabinet, Chemical Weapons, Sarin, Jabhat Nusra, Chlorine, Atmah, FSA, rebels, victims, UN Inspectors, Damascus, world war 3, diplomacy, Ghouta, war, oil, Alex Jones, media, attack, bombing, false flag, government, operation gladio, US, intelligence, WW-3, world war, staged, investigation, terror, fear, staged terror attacks, terrorstorm, coverup, Deep State, Iraq, constitution, privacy, media, media coverage, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, patcon, history, OKC bombing, Saudi, Kurds, shadow government, nwo, oligarchy, elitists, feudalism, bombing, false flag attack, martial law, exposed, Isarel, middle east, Turkey, SITE, Daesh, ISIS, ISIL, al-Qaeda, FSA, Assad, Syaria, Syrian, war, air strikes

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