6 Scariest Things Said by A.I. Robots

2018-09-13 3

Check out these eerie-looking bots that have said something chilling, like saying the world will soon end or some scary prediction of the future. Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, once warned us to be careful about artificial intelligence. He pointed out that these things can be compared as if summoning a demon. Will robots one day, overrun our planet or would humanity be extinct due to artificial intelligence? No one knows for sure what would happen. But this creepy robots saying very strange things confirm our chilling thoughts about the future. So here are the 5 scariest things ever said by artificial intelligence.

Stories like this, the unstoppable growth of our society and crossed concern about A.I. technology has led people to question about humanity’s future.acebook is said to be toying with artificial intelligence with its chatting features, but it’s bots may have gotten out of hand.

According to several reports, the researchers at Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research had to shutdown two chat bots after they developed a strange English shorthand language of their own. This two robots seem to be repeating several words and making some weird redundant language you cant understand.

The chatbot conversation “led to divergence from human language as the agents developed their own language for negotiating,” the researchers said.Philip K Dick is an autonomous conversational android modeled after a deceased sci-fi author of the same name. This A.I. has the ability to mimic human gestures and speak the way we talk.

Although somewhat being creepy, Philip is very smart. It is for this reason among others that Philip was featured in an episode of Nova Science Now.

During this episode, Philip gives a chilling prediction about the future while being interviewed. It’s been asked if it thinks that robots will one day take over the world.

“Do you think robots will take over the world?”. Watch his answer…Most of you guys must have heard about Google Home Personal Assistant. It is a brand of smart speakers developed by Google. The first device was announced in May 2016 and released in the United States in November 2016, with subsequent releases globally throughout 2017.

In January, a live-streaming service at Twitch set up the debate by putting a two Google Home Personal Assistant next to each other in front of a webcam. It got weird, fast. The two smart speakers have been named “Vladimir” & “Estragon”.

The live steams went to the course of several days. Millions of people tuned in to watch the bizarre debate between the two. At one point, Estragon and Vladimir got into an argument about whether they were humans or robots. Questions were posed and insults were exchanged, such as “You are a manipulative bunch of metal”.

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