Co-chairing int'l forum, Seoul's FM built understanding of S. Korean policies: Foreign ministry

2018-09-13 0

외교부 "강경화장관, 공동의장으로 참석한 WEF아세안 지역회의, 우리 정부의 철학을 직접 전달하는 계기로 평가"

Over in Hanoi, Seoul's top diplomat wrapped up her job as the co-chair of the World Economic Forum on ASEAN.
Kang Kyung-wha attended various events including a meeting on ASEAN members' women entrepreneurs and on Asia's geopolitical outlook.
The minister shared South Korea's stance on the recent situation on the Peninsula, as well as the Moon Administration's New Southern Policy, and immigration issues.
The three-day event was attended by high-level officials from ASEAN member states, as well as representatives from major international organizations and companies.
As this is the first time a South Korean official co-chaired the event,... the foreign ministry believe it helped the international community gain a better understanding of Seoul's foreign policy.

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