Bullsizer--Increased Staying Power

2018-09-13 93

Bullsizer Can playing a game help you build more muscle mass? You bet it can. A game can help you churn up your intensity and focus on your goal. Competition brings out the warrior in all of us. Think about it. From the day we're born we're taught to play life as a game. Catch mom or dad's finger or make me laugh is a game parents play with us. We progress to kids' games like dodge ball or hide and seek. Then it's on to spelling bees and kids sports. As adults we'll risk bodily injury for the sake of a game. In fact, playing life as a game is one of our basic human needs.
I think you get my point. Testosterone Booster ebbs and flows in everyone (women too). It's really the levels we average during our entire recuperation period between workouts that matters. And how much does that matter? If you average a few nanograms per decileter more than I do, I'll probably just take one more day off between workouts and make just as much muscular gain as you.