Large Syrian Army convoy heads to northern Aleppo for possible confrontation with Turkish military

2018-09-10 353

For the last two weeks, the Syrian and Turkish armies have been building up their forces near the strategic town of Tal Rifa'at in northern Aleppo.

According to a military source in Aleppo city, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) made the decision to buildup their troops around Tal Rifa'at after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed to retake the town from the Kurdish-led People's Protection Units (YPG).

The military source said that the Syrian Army's High Command is committed to keeping the Turkish forces from taking this imperative hilltop town in northern Aleppo because it would give them access to the Mennagh Airbase.

Turkey has already captured the Afrin region in northwest Aleppo; however, they have been unable to advance to Tal Rifa'at because of the Russian and Syrian forces at the nearby town of Deir Jamal.