Fox News Host Says Obama Has ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’

2018-09-09 257

A Fox News personality has accused former President Obama of having “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” in the wake of his recent scathing speech about the current administration.

Some Fox News hosts have accused former President Obama of having "Trump Derangement Syndrome," or TDS, in the wake of his recent scathing speech about the current administration. 
Pete Hegseth said on "Fox and Friends Weekend" Saturday: "Obama has Trump Derangement Syndrome. He totally does. His speech, when you listen to it--which I did--is the same tired, boring, 'resist' talking points that we've heard." 
"He couldn't even say 'President Trump.' Twice in the speech he said, 'Donald Trump.' Would not refer to him as 'President Trump.' I don't agree with President Obama, he's President Obama, he won the election. That's the symptom right there." Hegseth added.  
Fellow Fox News host Tucker Carlson also called Obama out for having "severe" TDS, calling the former president's speech "bitterly partisan." 
According to CNN, "TDS is, in the eyes of its adherents, the knee-jerk opposition from liberals (and Never Trumpers) to anything and everything Trump does." 

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