Mad Man in the White House Ft Doc Tinker... ©All Rights Reserved

2018-09-04 162

Hello World,

The title of this piece is Mad Mad in the White House.

It's aimed at anyone who thinks Trump is an Idiot, but they couldn't find the right set of words to express that sentiment...

Shortly after the inauguration in 2016, it became clear that, instead of a president, we elected a self-absorbed millionaire-reality-talk-show-host, who had absolutely no clue of how to roll.

From his Muslim flight ban, to his shattering immigrant families, to him lying in Putin’s bed, to him building an anti-democratic fortress in the congress and the courts,,,, to him SCARING THE SHIT OUT OF GRANDMA!

That’s where I draw the line. Long story short, realizing that grandmas all over the country are freaking out, I wanted to write a song with that idea as a working title. Instead, I ended up with Mad Man. You should believe this….

Truth-be-told, with this song, I also aim to demonstrate the scope of my song-writing skills to aspiring artists looking to brand. Since that's hard to do without a signature song (or two) in your back pocket, my job is to help create that path.

So, whether your a true-believer or an aspiring-artist, do me a BIG favor:

Like the song & share it with your friends
Follow me on Twitter at @Doctinkr
To collaborate, send an email to

Vote as if your life depends on it.

Doc Tinker,
aka Gary