7 million visitors have entered S. Korea through Incheon Int'l Airport

2018-09-04 3

올해 인천공항 외국인 입국자 벌써 700만 명…개항 후 최단 기록

More than 7 million foreign visitors have entered the nation through its main gateway so far this year.
According to the Immigration Planning Division of Seoul's Justice Ministry, this has been the the shortest period of time surpassing the 7-million-visitor mark since the Incheon International Airport opened in 2001.
Between January 1st and September 1st this year, the number of Chinese visitors recorded 2-million, up 16 percent on-year,... followed by Japan's 1-million, up 25 percent.
Crediting the increased numbers of individual trips from China and young visitors from Japan for the upward trend, a ministry official says if this can last, the airport is expected to see the largest number of foreign visitors in a single year.