Pick up your 2 free eBooks, free mini course, and free weekly conference calls today. All this information is designed to teach you to drive more free traffic and leads for your online business. My name is Daniel Pereira. In these videos of my marathon training, I compare how the people who WORK THEIR TAILS off are the ones online that make it big, but the people who aren’t willing to do the hard work (like running a marathon) don’t make it very far. If you are going to get into internet marketing, expect to have to do some work. If you work hard at it, and learn from the right people, you WILL find success and the lifestyle you are looking for. Make sure to watch both parts of this video, Part 1 where I speak before my 12 mile training run, and part 2 where I am almost dead after running the 12 miles in a little over 2 hours. Enjoy!