Positivity and optimism and action are a strategy. This isn’t some rah-rah shit out here, I’m not a cheerleader out here, I’m a fucking leader.-I’m setting ex

2018-08-31 4

Positivity and optimism and action are a strategy. This isn’t some rah-rah shit out here, I’m not a cheerleader out here, I’m a fucking leader.
I’m setting examples out here. I feel #positivity and I spew it. Why do I have it? Cause I surround myself with it.
Who you spend your time with fucking matters. Please audit your circle, please understand that people’s energy dictates your vision.
This is our lives, this isn’t something to be passive about, it’s time you really take control of your life when it comes to vibes.
Who you are born to isn’t on you, who your classmates are, neighbors, not on you. Who you choose to spend time with, is!
And before you shit on your friends, remember you are with them, you might be the negative one or the same. Sooooooo step back and take control, my friends, this is controllable and more importantly, being alone is better than being with darkness.

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