Biz sentiment among SMEs ticks up for first time in five months

2018-08-29 0

중소기업 체감경기 5개월만에 소폭 반등, 내수부진으로 여전히 부정적

Business sentiment for September among small-and-mid-sized company improved.
A first in five months.
According to the Korean Federation of SMEs, its Small Business Health Index, which polls more than 3-thousand such firms,... rose by six-point-five-points from the month prior... to 88-point-5.
That's still negative overall, because it's under a hundred.
The institute attributed the on-month recovery to seasonal factors... because companies expect the cooler weather in September will spur economic activity and consumption.
When compared to August last year, though, it was more than 3 points lower.
The federation points to sluggish domestic consumption as the key reason for this.
A positive outlook prevailed in areas linked to medical supplies, construction and real estate... while the education service sector was pessimistic.

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