Stree, the new film starring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor in the lead roles, is hitting its stride. Stree is a supernatural comedy about a man-eating being that preys on male villagers at the same time every year. The being in the film has taken on the appearance of Shraddha’s character, who develops a romantic relationship with Rajkummar’s character. Stree also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurrana and Abhishek Banerjee in pivotal roles. “It’s the first time that I am doing a horror comedy. It was a lot of fun and Rajukummar Rao is such a fantastic actor. To work with him was a dream come true. I got so much to learn from him,” Shraddha told IANS previously. The film is slated to hit theatres on August 31