南無藥師琉璃光如來 The Medicine Buddha

2018-08-27 2


一、 願一切眾生同證大菩提。
二、 願眾生聞佛名,見佛光,開發智慧,樹立事業。
三、 願眾生開發無限智慧的寶藏,取之不盡,用之不竭。
四、 願導以大乘佛法,令一切眾生安身立命。
五、 願依法修行的人,戒德莊嚴;若破戒而聞佛名,仍得清淨,當有改過自新的機會。
六、 願眾生六根完具,相貌莊嚴。
七、 願眾生臼心康樂,成就無上菩提。
八、 願如有厭離女身者,聞佛名而轉如成男。
九、 願助迷入魔道眾生,改邪名而轉女成男
十、 願救拔犯法笪,脫離憂苦,解除厄難,回心向善。
十一、 願眾生不為飢喝所因,得妙飲食,畢竟安槳。
十二、 願眾生得種種上衣服,亦得一切寶莊嚴具。


12 vows of Medicine Buddha:
1. To illuminate countless realms with his radiance, enabling anyone to become a Buddha just like him.
2. To provide the sentient beings with whatever material needs they require.
3. To awaken the minds of sentient beings through his light of lapis lazuli.
4. To correct heretical views and inspire beings toward the path of the Bodhisattva.
5. To heal beings born with deformities, illness or other physical sufferings.
6. To help beings follow Moral Precepts, even if they failed before.
7. To help relieve the destitute and the sick.
8. To help heal mental afflictions and delusions.
9. To help women who wish to be reborn as men achieve their desired rebirth.
10. To help the oppressed be free from suffering.
11. To relieve those who suffer from terrible hunger and thirst.
12. To help clothe those who are destitute and suffering from cold and mosquitoes.