Giant And ‘Potentially Hazardous’ Asteroid On Track To Zip Past Earth Next Week

2018-08-23 13

A giant and “potentially hazardous” asteroid is on track to zip past Earth next week.

A giant and "potentially hazardous" asteroid is on track to zip past Earth next week, reports Fox News. Size-wise, it's estimated to fall somewhere between a Boeing 747 and the Great Pyramid of Giza and is anticipated to pass our planet at a distance of roughly 3 million miles.  Though that is enough to officially place asteroid 2016 NF23 in the "potentially hazardous" category, the space rock is expected to pass Earth on August 29 without incident, notes the Daily Mail. There is not a great deal of concern about it crashing into our planet, but Newsweek reports that, if it did, "it would cause significant damage on the scale of entire countries."  While it is deemed highly possible that Earth will someday get hit by an asteroid large enough to cause devastation on a global level, that's not expected to happen any time soon.