This isn’t easy for me. I struggle at times giving advice because I know it’s so so hard and sounds so so raw, at the same time I am so passionate to help the p

2018-08-23 40

This isn’t easy for me. I struggle at times giving advice because I know it’s so so hard and sounds so so raw, at the same time I am so passionate to help the person in front of me, the community that follows me.
So many of you are being taking advantage of, so many of you are being suppressed by people you love who also love you.
Life isn’t easy but it’s also not complicated, doing what is scary in the short term often leads to happiness in the long term.

I’m not out here spitting random ideas, I’m living my advice, I am passionate for #happiness I think it’s unbelievably achievable once you face the truth and execute on your one life.
I have enormous love for all of you and wish you health and happiness and please always know, I don’t think I’m special, I don’t think I’m always right, I just really want you to win.
#miserylovescompany, unfortunately, misery comes in the form of parents often and your job is to cut out negativity and deploy positivity.
Life lesson: don’t allow negativity to have leverage on you, if your parents pay for shit but are negative, get off the payroll and live shittier. This goes for every relationship, negativity loves to have leverage in the form of . Realize happiness isn’t having stuff, happiness is happiness.
I love u!

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