NewsX Exclusive: US exposes Pak-Taliban links; Imran, did army tell you this? | Nation at 9

2018-08-21 23

There's a Hindi Aphorims marta kyan na karta. It applies so very aptly to Pakistan denial ain’t just a river in Africa famously wrote mark twain and right now it's flowing in full flood around rawalpindin. Intelligence reports accessed by Newsx have revealed how Pakistan is scraping the bottom of the barell. One Pakistani general went to Nepal trying to convince the Nepalese army to bring it's troops for training at a high altitude training school that they run in gilgit Baltistan, which is incidentally in pok. The Nepalese said no thank you. They then went to Bangladesh asking them to take part in a joint naval exercise. The Bangladeshi's said sorry, we're busy. That now means that Pakistan's mega naval exercise scheduled in February next year is going to have 5 countries. One is Kyrgyzstan which is a landlocked country that has no navy it does have a big lake though. The other is Belgium, who's navy is composed of 2 frigates and a few other boats. The Pakistani’s then went to Maldives again offering training or troops and arms contracts, again nothing much came of it. One wonders how much of this desperation and repeated snubbing all of which has happened in the days leading up to Imran khan's swearing -in. How much of this Pakistan's generals have shared with Imran Khan. Maybe he'd rather not know. The biggest blow to Pak however, is what our intelligence is gathered of a meeting between u.s deputy secretary of state mike Pompeo and the afghan president. In which the U.S has made it abundantly clear that it's Pakistan to blame for scuttling a negotiated settlement in Afghanistan. This is high stakes. So what does this show about what pakistan is up to now that all of this is out in the public domain, what should we absorb, what should we laugh off, what should we take deadly seriously.