SoulJahm - Spitting Out The Shit

2018-08-21 2**t-single/id816844501

A song written in 2008, during a time when a lot of realisations and insights about the world and reality were flooding in, and a lot of "crap" was being flushed out. I had given up music during those years but songs like this (and "Nobody Wants You To Be Free") would still come through occasionally. It wasn't until early 2011 and in Budapest as the Music was gradually returning in a new way that we recorded the first version of this song - sitting on a toilet cross-legged with a ukulele. This is the first band version of the song, recorded in Edinburgh late 2013. It was intended as a test recording of us playing live together as a trio but we liked the energy that was captured and so followed through and had the song mixed and released as a single.