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U.S. will continue issuing sanctions until N. Korea takes action on denuclearization : Foreign Ministry

2018-08-21 14

강경화 "北 비핵화 조치까지 美 독자 제재 추가발표 있을 것"

Seoul's Foreign Minister expects Washington to issue more sanctions against North Korea, unless the regime takes practical measures towards denuclearization.
She also says South Korea's efforts to establish a liaison office with the North are in line with international sanctions.
Kim Mok-yeon reports.
Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha has said that the U.S. is likely to continue announcing additional sanctions on North Korea due to Washington's strong stance that sanctions are needed to achieve Pyongyang's denuclearization.
She made the comments at the meeting of the National Assembly's Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee on Tuesday.
When asked whether South Korea agrees with the U.S. view that Pyongyang hasn't taken any practical steps towards denuclearization, Kang said that she thinks it is not possible for the two allies to completely share the same perspective, adding that despite this, they are closely cooperating to share information on each others' situation.
Regarding concerns that Seoul could undermine international sanctions on the regime especially through the establishment of an inter-Korean liaison office in North Korea, Kang said that the liaison office is clearly not a violation of global sanctions, stressing that Washington shares the same thought.
Unification minister Cho Myoung-gyon , who was also present at the meeting... went one step further, claiming the establishment of the office could rather boost Pyongyang's disarmament.
Concerning the upcoming inter-Korean summit expected to be held in September,... the unification minister said that the ministry is still working to set a final date as soon as possible, and spoke of hopes that the talks could bring peace and prosperity to the Korean peninsula.

Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang news.

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