Dog Chained To Post Can’t Even Rest Head – Then Animal Hero Decides There’s Only One Thing To Do

2018-08-20 7

Dog chained to post can’t even rest head – then animal hero decides there’s only one thing to do

Having guard dogs is common in virtually all parts of the world. It should go without saying that most seem scary when you approach them – after all, that’s what they’re for.

But for those who came across guard dog Cala, fear wasn’t what they felt. It was more sadness, pity and frustration.

Cala sat and “guarded” a car dealership in San Jose, Costa Rica. Her owner rarely gave her food, and when she got ill she wasn’t taken to the vet.

In the end, the dog became so weak that she could no longer stand. Instead she sat and watched from an old car tyre, a short chain tied around her neck that prevented her from resting her head.

In fact, her head was literally hanging from the chain, which was slowly eating its way into her skin.

Cala’s health got worse and worse as she struggled to keep her head up. She had problems with her breathing and a lot more besides.

If no one came to rescue the poor dog, she was surely condemned to die.

Fortunately, a neighbor had noticed how bad a condition Cala was in. They contacted the police, who in turn asked local animal shelter Territorio de Zaguates if they could help.

Obviously the organization said they wanted to, but it wouldn’t be easy.

The sight they encountered when they first glimpsed eyes on Cala will never leave Lya Battle, founder of the Territorio de Zaguates shelter.

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