Sick Thug Repeatedly Hits His Dog In The Head While His Friends Are Laughing?!

2018-08-19 113

Sick Thug Repeatedly Hits His Dog In The Head While His Friends Are Laughing?!

We have seen some pretty shocking things in our time, but this flagrant disregard for this doggie and the awful things he is doing it truly upsetting and saddening, to say the very least, the poor defenseless dog looks petrified!
The video shows the shocking actions of this thug as he repeatedly beats the dog around the head, what is wrong with people like this?
The footage pretty clearly shows a guy in a red sweatshirt, sat in the passenger side of the car, he has stood the dog, who looks scared to even move, between his legs while his buddy films him abusing the dog!
He then slaps the dog as hard as he can to the head with hos right flat of his hand, right in the ear and the head, now I know how sensitive our ears are and getting slapped in the ear really hurts, so imagine what it must be like for that poor dog!
The thug repeatedly hits the dog about the head, mercilessly, all the while encouraging his buddy to film it and watch, you can hear them laughing and at that point, my stomach is turning, like a tightly twisted rope, with disbelief and anger about what I’m seeing!
The clip was shared on the Twitter platform by the protect all wildlife blog, it has been seen millions of times just in the last few days!
It has since been reported that the abused dog has very sadly died, such a terrible and sad thing, I can not believe that some people can really be like this?
Apparently, it was also reported that the video, made in Iran or Iraq was shared with the British comedian and creator of the office, a British comedy television show, called Ricky Gervais.
Gervais said:
“Who are these dirty, sub-human c****? Surely someone knows?”
“This video is f***ing horrible by the way and shows a beautiful dog being hurt, in case you do not want to watch.”
The group “Protect All Wildlife” is run by a mental health nurse, Paul Christian, from York, he dedicates all his spare time to raising awareness about animal abuse, people like this are truly amazing thank goodness!
He saw the video on his timeline and shared the video, taking any opportunity to raise awareness about the terrible cruelty and animal abuse that exists, he is a really string campaigner, and very passionate!
Pretty much everyone who has watched this video has been utterly horrified by it, this, and things like this need to be stamped out, no matter where it’s happening!