ALDE workshop "The International Financial Crisis"

2008-09-17 239

Video summary of the ALDE workshop "The International Financial Crisis: Its causes and what to do about it?"

Event date: 27/02/08 14:00 to 18:00
Location: Room ASP 5G2, European Parliament, Brussels

This workshop will bring together Members of the European Parliament, economists, academics and journalists as well as representatives of the European Commission to discuss the lessons that have to be drawn from the recent financial crisis caused by the US sub-prime mortgage market.

With the view of the informal ECOFIN meeting in April which will look at the financial sector supervision and crisis management mechanisms, this workshop aims at debating a wide range of topics including:
- how to improve the existing supervisory framework,
- how to combat the opacity of financial markets and improve transparency requirements,
- how to address the rating agencies' performance and conflict of interest,
- what regulatory lessons are to be learnt in order to avoid a repetition of the sub-prime and the resulting credit crunch.

For more information:
Descamps Ricci Delphine - Tel: +32 2 283 11 37

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