Isle of Man TT Circuit Guide

2018-08-16 4

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A much requested, comprehensive visual guide to the world's oldest and greatest road racing circuit. Views the TT course from three perspectives: Spectating - the best places to watch; Road Biker - how to ride the 37.7 mile course, survive Mad Sunday and still have fun; Racer and wannabe racer - how to get the most out of this tough course. Aimed directly at the thousands of bikers who invade and ride around the TT course every year and thousands more who follow everything to do with the TT. Features instruction from former production winner Ray Knight; magnificent on-boards with David Jefferies plus historical perspectives from the legendary Geoff Duke OBE - six times world champion! DVD extras: additional on-boards plus outtakes. Informative, exciting and entertaining - a must for anyone who's been to the TT or MGP, wants to visit for the first time or simply wants to know what all the fuss is about! Release date: 19th August 2002 DP: £11.57 SRP: £16.99 Cat Code: DMDVD1650 Bar Code: 5017 5590 16500 Running time: 110mins Specialist Advertising MCN circ. 140,732 Classic Bike circ. 53,458 Classic Motorcycle circ. 50,000 RRI circ. 54,000 We're on INSTAGRAM:
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