10 Things Harder Than Getting Into Harvard

2018-08-16 10

10 Things Harder Than Getting Into Harvard The Ivy League school’s acceptance rate has continued to drop over the past four years. Their recent 4.59 percent acceptance rate for the class of 2022 makes it seem impossible to get in. However, there are some things that are surprisingly more difficult than getting the coveted Harvard acceptance letter according to
'Best Life' magazine. 1. Interning at the
'The New York Times': 2. Landing a job at a new Walmart: 3. Becoming a Delta Flight attendant: 4. Knowing someone with the same birthday as you: 5. Operating a Chick-fil-A franchise: 6. Picking a perfect NCAA Bracket: 7. Becoming an astronaut: 8. McDonald's Hamburger University
in Shanghai: 9. Becoming a professional football player: 10. Becoming a member of the Secret Service: