Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s wedding rumours have caught the country in their grip and now Kabir Bedi is adding fuel to the fire. The veteran actor shared a cryptic tweet on Monday and we wonder if we can take it as a confirmation of the star couple’s wedding. The couple will tie the knot in Italy on November 20. The wedding veDeepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s wedding rumours have caught the country in their grip and now Kabir Bedi is adding fuel to the fire. The veteran actor shared a cryptic tweet on Monday and we wonder if we can take it as a confirmation of the star couple’s wedding. The couple will tie the knot in Italy on November 20. The wedding venue, says the report, will be near the serene and scenic, Lake Como nue, says the report, will be near the serene and scenic, Lake Como