MDC Alliance lodges court challenge disputing July 30th polls' outcome

2018-08-11 5

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is scheduled to be inaugurated on Sunday. This after Mnangagwa's Zanu-PF won the July 30th election by 50 point eight percent, while the Nelson Chamisa's MDC Alliance trailed behind at 44-point-three per cent. However it's emerged that the MDC Alliance is now challenging the outcome of the election.
The party is expected to file its court papers on Friday 10th July 2018.
In a major development, South African lawyers are teaming up with their Zimbabwean counterparts to help the MDC lodge a court challenge that may likely see the inauguration delayed.
Joing us in studio are Acie Lumumba, a ZANU-PF Strategist and, Tino Mambeu, a Zimbabwean that sympathises with the opposition in his country....

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