S. Korea's three main parties reach agreements ahead of August session

2018-08-08 1

여야 3당 원내대표 회동 '특활비•폭염 대책•민생법안 등 논의'

South Korea's three main parties agreed to make transparent... the use of so-called "special activity funds" that are handed out to lawmakers every month on top of their salaries.
The parties say the funds will only be used in cases where they can turn in receipts or related documents.
There has been controversy over the special activity funds -- as some ranking officials receive tens of thousands of U.S. dollars per month,... but they don't have to report how the money is spent.
During the August extraordinary session the three sides plan to pass a set of bills ,... that includes easing regulations on Internet-only banks,... as well as designating the heatwave as a natural disaster, which will enable the government to respond to it systematically.
The parties also agreed to form a committee that will oversee lawmakers taking sponsored trips abroad... amid criticisms that the expensive trips are not always necessary, and at times have nothing to do with national interest.