“Mile 22” is an intense action film and actress Lauren Cohan trained hard for her role as a CIA agent.
“She is a mother and she’s also saving the country — these things are coexisting,” she explained. “The movie is hand-to-hand combat, a lot of physical combat, and then a lot of weapon training.”
All the intensity of the role and training definitely stayed with her, but Cohan said that she enjoys having the ability to explore different roles and that, “you can never go less deeply into something once you’ve delved into something like that.”
When asked about her success as an actress, she says that it doesn’t impact her life like she thought it would when she was younger.
“It’s just me in a different setting. And in all honesty, unless things changed again, it’s not different,” she stated. “I’m actually a better person now because I have only to keep relying on those closest to me in my belief system.”
Before “Mile 22” Cohen garnered a big fandom from her role on “Walking Dead,” she says that the number of supporters is overwhelming, but above it all it just feels great to get to do what she loves.
This video, "‘Walking Dead’ Star Lauren Cohan Talks About New Movie ‘Mile 22’", first appeared on