Samajwadi Party (SP) MPs on Tuesday protested in front of Mahatma Gandhi statue in the Parliament premises over Muzaffarpur and Deoria shelter home case. Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and Communist Party of India (CPI) also joined hands with the MPs of SP. The protestors demanded resignations of both the Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. At least 24 girls were rescued from a shelter home in Uttar Pradesh’s Deoria after allegations by the inmates came to light. As many as 18 girls are still missing and the shelter home has been sealed. Last month, 11 employees of the shelter home in Muzaffarpur were arrested and more than 30 girls were rescued. The shelter home case was uncovered around three months ago after a report by the TISS in April revealed that the inmates were allegedly sexually abused.