ALDE Hearing on aviation security measures

2008-09-15 90

Video summary of the ALDE Hearing: "The impact of aviation security measures, from logistics to privacy"

Event date: 02/05/2007 09:30 to 13:00
Location: European Parliament, Brussels

The latest measures taken in November 2006 concerning the restriction of liquids in the hand luggage of air passengers made it possible to reveal the limits and weaknesses of certain safety measures in civil aviation. This public hearing aims at answering a certain number of questions:
What is the reality of the threat in the airports? What are the practical consequences of such measures for the passengers, the airlines, the airport authorities, the other aviation players? Do we have to fear a threat to the fundamental rights of the citizens that transit via EU airports? Finally how to reconsider airport safety, so that it no longer is restricted to accumulating measures taken in reaction to a real or assumed threat but can be adapted with flexibility and effectiveness to the reality of a terrorist threat.

MEP's Concerned:
Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Paolo Costa, Ignasi Guardans Cambó

For more information:
Marzocchi Ottavio - Tel: +32 2 284 39 95

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