Spooky dog greets a guest with a knife in his mouth

2018-08-06 1

A spooky-looking dog greeted a guest in a bedroom with a knife in his mouth.

In the video, the guest can be heard laughing as a dog climbs onto the bed while holding a knife in his mouth by the handle.

“I stayed the night at my brother’s house,” the filmer said. “We made steaks for dinner and left everything out on the counter.”

“My brother and his wife had already went to bed,” the filmer continued. “It was around midnight and I heard noise in the kitchen and just assumed it was one of them.”

“Moments later, the door creeks open and it’s my brother’s dog, Jayce (a rescued Australian Shepherd), holding a knife in his mouth by the handle,” the filmer said.

“I couldn’t believe it was happening and couldn’t do anything but laugh,” the filmer said.

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