Mom cuts grass with 4-month-old strapped around chest – her heart stops as cop car pulls up driveway.

2018-08-04 8

Mom cuts grass with 4-month-old strapped around chest – her heart stops as cop car pulls up driveway.
The best multi-taskers out there are mothers, you see them tackle a number of different things all while having the patience to deal with smallies screaming for her attention, all while one baby might be on her hip while another toddler is wrapped around her leg, S
It can be impressive to watch a supermom in action as she unloads the dishwasher, fills up the washing machine, feeds the dog, fixes the other kids’ breakfast and checks email with one hand almost at the same time.
Rachael Brindley mother of three had been juggling a number of things from parenting to looking after their home along with other tasks, but one particular chore proved to be rather challenging.
Ryan, Rachael’s husband had begun working on a project and did not get around to cutting the grass. Determined to get it complete Rachael strapped her 4-month-old baby into the front facing carried and began the task.
She explains “It was a nice day out and so I thought I would help my husband out and cut it myself. I enjoy cutting the grass.”
Rachael began to panic wondering had she done something wrong when a Madison County sheriff’s deputy pulled up into her drive way.
The young mother later took to Facebook and wrote: “you all I thought I was about to get in trouble or something…”
The officer did indeed stop because he saw Rachael trying to mow while carrying the baby. Fortunately, though, it was not for the reason she thought.
“…this sweet sheriff stopped and insisted on mowing my yard for me!!”
Rather than just drive by he could not ignore the inner voice telling him to lend a hand the deputy stopped and offered to mow the lawn himself.
her husband Ryan explains that they are both in shock yet extremely grateful at the same time for the officers kind gesture.
“It’s small in nature, but was a huge help to my wife today.”
Since Rachael shared her story on Facebook it’s been viewed more than 17,000 times.
If you were inspired by this officer’s gesture then please SHARE this post with your friends.

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