8 Ways to Improve Your Skin While Sleeping

2018-08-03 8

8 Ways to Improve Your Skin While Sleeping Nightly routines can do wonders for the skin. Insider talked to skin-care experts and found out what steps you can take to help your skin
while you sleep. 1. Get enough sleep for restoration
and repair 2. Remove all of your makeup 3. Use a nourishing moisturizer at night 4. Change your pillowcase regularly to avoid bacteria build up 5. Apply retinol-based products before bed to help with pigmentation, lines, wrinkles and skin thickness 6. Remember to apply a heavy moisturizer to eyes and lips at night for morning nourishment 7. Sleep with a humidifier to fight dry air and accelerated skin aging 8. Add serums and a roller to your nightly routine to aid skin repair