Islamic State Militants Surrender in Aghanistan Amid Taliban Clash

2018-08-02 16

At least 200 Islamic State militants surrendered to Afghan forces on August 1 during a clash between the Taliban and members of the extremist group that began a day earlier in northern Afghanistan, according to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

Mufti Nemat, an Islamic State commander, told the New York Times that he and almost 250 of his fighters turned themselves in after 40 insurgents were killed by the Taliban. The militants surrendered to government forces to avoid capture by Taliban fighters, the Times reported, but a Taliban spokesman said more than 125 were captured.

Habib-ul Rahman, a senior IS leader, also reportedly surrendered, according to VOA News.

Abdul Hafeez Khashi, Jawzjan province’s deputy police chief, said the clash between the groups broke out on July 31 and was under way.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty took this video at a compound where the surrendered militants were taken in the northern province of Jowzjan in Shibirghan, Afghanistan. Credit: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty via Storyful

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