A university education is one the most important investments that a student and family can make. The University of Central Asia (UCA) understands that a world-c

2018-08-02 1

A university education is one the most important investments that a student and family can make. The University of Central Asia (UCA) understands that a world-class education is costly and is committed to sharing this cost with every UCA student. One of UCA’s founding principles as a private, not-for-profit institution is that no admitted student will be denied an education because of inability to pay.

Depending on the evaluation of need and merit, UCA may fund up to 90% of the cost of education through scholarships, grants and interest free loans. Confident that its graduates will find quality employment, UCA student loans will have highly favourable repayment terms.

Chief Financial Officer Rahim Somani explains how the financial aid process works at UCA.

5 April 2016 (