EBOOK Reader Facilitating Group Learning: Strategies for Success with Adult Learners (Jossey

2018-07-30 3

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Paperback. Pub Date: September. 2010 Pages: 304 Publisher: John Wiley Praise for Facilitating Group Learning In this Engaging and Accessible book George Lakey draws on a LIFETIME s experience to provide a Highly Practical resource to anyone seeking to to reinforce your and respond to the complexities of group work. The book will be invaluable to anyone trying to effect social change through groups while striving to stay simultaneously sane and employed.-Stephen D. ookfield. Distinguished University Professor. University of St. Thomas I ve been working with forms of direct education for many decades. and I found new ideas and inspirations in every chapter. For anyone involved in teaching. training. sharing skills. or leading groups. this book is an invaluable resource!-Starhawk. author. The Earth Path. Dreaming the Dark. and Webs of Power George Lakey has inspired our union t...

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