我給《英雄本色2018》做的主題曲【再見英雄】的MV出來了。裡面的口琴是向張國榮的【當年情】致敬。兄弟情深,永遠會住在我腦海裡,在我心裡。The song I made for A BETTER TOMORROW 2018 【Goodbye Heroes】MV released today! The harmonica

2018-07-30 2

我給《英雄本色2018》做的主題曲【再見英雄】的MV出來了。裡面的口琴是向張國榮的【當年情】致敬。兄弟情深,永遠會住在我腦海裡,在我心裡。The song I made for A BETTER TOMORROW 2018 【Goodbye Heroes】MV released today! The harmonica solo pays homage to my dear Uncle Leslie Cheung’s original theme song. Hope you guys like it!

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