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2018-07-29 1

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Mei Ling Ng Liu is not one to mince words. She became a sensation last year after TVB's controversial reality dating show Bride Wannabes, in which she appeared as a matchmaker telling female participants what she really thought of them, and their chances of finding a partner. In one episode, a participant is encouraged by a life coach to have plastic surgery to improve her looks. She declines, saying it is not the key to true love. Mei Ling Ng Liu, matchmaker The show generated interest and outrage, pulling in an estimated 1. The founder of dating service Hong Kong Matchmakers, which gives no-nonsense advice to clients - all of whom are female - seems to imply that Hong Kong women are all self-obsessed snobs. Liu first summarised insights from her matchmaking experience last year in a guide, How to Find a Husband. She has followed it up with The Man Manual: A Guide to Understanding Men, which was launched last week at the Hong Kong Book Fair. It's available in Chinese and English. She believes women aren't in a position to make many demands when the gender ratio is so skewed towards men. University of Hong Kong demographer Paul Yip Siu-fai estimates there are about 876 men for every 1,000 women in Hong Kong. In 2011, there were 209,000 single women, more than double the number in 1996. So females have tough competition finding a mate. Violet Lim Seow Yan, co-founder of Lunch Actually, agrees. When Lim first entered the industry in 2004, she thought all women had a fair chance of finding love at any age. So she was shocked to learn that men have a cut-off point of 35 years old or above. Now, she turns away clients in their late 30s and early 40s. It's because of the celebrity culture and all the ads with beautiful people. I've had male clients reject women after a date or two because they think they are not beautiful enough. Liu believes Hong Kong women are too successful for their own good, and puts this down to their upbringing. It turns out the ones who did wear lipstick and didn't study much got the husbands. We also have women who are managing directors, but can't cook. Their achievements are a deterrent, because men want a good wife. If you can't cook and clean, he might as well marry a domestic helper. Faye Wong, founder of Dateday, says that if a woman can cook, it's now considered a bonus. All three matchmaking companies offer makeover services, including fitness training, weight loss, date coaching, image consulting, and even make-up classes to help them improve their looks. The next step is modifying attitudes. Dateday's Wong says that when women go on dates, they need to change their mindset from the boardroom to the dining room. They are often demanding and have high expectations of themselves and others, including their soul mate. I have to remind them that it's a date, not a board meeting. Remember you are pre

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