South Korean President Moon taps two-term ruling party lawmaker as new Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs Minister

2018-07-26 1

문 대통령, 농식품부 장관에 이개호 더불어민주당 의원 지명

President Moon Jae-in has tapped a two-term ruling party lawmaker to fill the post of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs minister that's been vacant for over four months.
Seoul's presidential Blue House announced on Thursday that Lee Kai-ho, with some 30 years of public service under his belt, would be a perfect fit for the position.

"Lee has great knowledge of the organization and their operation also having served as a member of the agriculture, livestock and fishery parliamentary committee from 2016 and 2017."

The agriculture and food minister position has been vacant since former Minister Kim Yung-rok step down in mid-March to run in the local elections.
Lee must go through a parliamentary hearing to be confirmed for his appointment.

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