Defense ministries of S. Korea and U.S. hold 14th Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue in Seoul

2018-07-25 3

한미국방협의체 실무자급 회의, 오늘부터 이틀간 열려

South Korea's defense ministry and America's Department of Defense begun their 14th Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue.
Dozens of key military officials from the two countries took part in the two-day meeting in Seoul.
They'll touch on a range of alliance-related issues to enhance military cooperation,... as well as issues related to the recent developments with North Korea.
South Korea's delegation is led by the Deputy Minister for Defense Policy Yeo Suk-joo.
As for the American side, Roberta Shea is in charge.
She is the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia.
The first bilateral working-level meeting was held in April,... 2012.
It's become a biannual event since then.