South Korean government approves budget to replace Japan's funds for sex slavery victims

2018-07-24 6

'위안부 합의' 日 출연금 10억엔 대체할 정부 예비비 편성

The South Korean government has approved a budget to replace Tokyo's roughly 9 million U.S. dollar fund for the victims of Japan's wartime sex slavery.
South Korea's Ministry of Gender Equality and Family said Tuesday that the Cabinet had approved plans to set aside the amount from the ministry's fund for gender equality.
The government will come up with details on how to spend it, as well as how to deal with the fund from Tokyo following consultation with other parties including the Japanese government.
Tokyo had created the fund for South Korean victims of Japan's wartime sex slavery,... following an agreement between the two countries in 2015.
But the victims refused to receive the fund as the deal did not meet their demand for legal compensation.