LCC INSTITUTES INVESTIGATIONS INTO NONE MELTING MARGARINETHE Lusaka City Council has instituted investigations into the Blue Band margarine that is allegedly

2018-07-22 3


THE Lusaka City Council has instituted investigations into the Blue Band margarine that is allegedly not melting under any conditions.

The investigations are a follow up to a video that went viral on social media showing Blue Band margarine failing to melt in boiling water.

The video produced by a woman claiming to be a concern Lusaka resident shows two scoops of Blue Band margarine being dipped into boiling water and not melting.

Although no resident has lodged a formal complaint with the council, the decision to carry out investigations has been made to ascertain the claims.

A team of Council Public Health Inspectors has been assembled to handle the matter and samples of Blue Band margarine are being collected from selected outlets for tests at the Food and Drugs Laboratory at UTH.

LCC wishes to remind the general public that issues of food safety are supposed to be reported to council as quickly as possible so that quick action could be taken by relevant authorities.

Members of the public are also advised to be keeping receipts of all food items bought from any food outlet to be used as proof in an event that the food bought is not in good taste.

Opting to post matters of such nature on social media has the potential of jeopardising investigations.

The local authority is appealing to anyone who could have bought such kind of margarine to come forward and help in investigations.

Results of the laboratory tests will be communicated to the public as soon as the are ready.

Issued by:
George Sichimba
Public Relations Manager