Best seller Sacred Commerce: Business as a Path of Awakening Full

2018-07-20 3

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Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2008-5-1 Pages: 124 Publisher: Random House In this timely book. authors Matthew and Terces Engelhartpresent the idea that love before appearances is theantidote to our spiritual. environmental. and social degradation.Exploring topics such as mission statements. manager as coach. human resources as a sacred culture. and inspirational meetings. they offer a manual for building a spiritual community at theworkplace-a vital concept in an age when work consumes the bulkof most adults time. Business. the authors explain . is all aboutproviding a service. product. or experience the market wants. andno business can succeed by failing to understand this point.However. integrating the concept of Sacred Commerce into businesscan provide both financial success and spiritual satisfaction.Stressing that every business is an opportunity to make a las...

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