Best seller The Complete Idiot s Guide to Buying a Home (Complete Idiot s Guides (Lifestyle

2018-07-17 0

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Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2010-1-1 Pages: 328 Publisher: Penguin In real estate. its a buyers market-and here is the buyersbible ... Buying a home is the single most important financial move in mostpeoples lives This book covers. a variety of topics includinginspecting. evaluating. negotiating. financing. contracts. andlegal issues. It also breaks down the roles of the key players andwhat these professionals. agents. brokers. and inspectors areresponsible for-and when to go it alone. The thorough advice . covering everything from buying houses at auctions to whatneighborhood to live in. will provide reassurance for everysoon-to-be homeowner. A necessary tool for those who plan to buy homes and evencurrent homeowners in order to keep up with an ever changingmarket Will be published in time for spring. when most people startlooking into buying new homes Covers a br...

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