Expert's take on summit between Trump and Putin

2018-07-17 0

And we are going to delve a little deeper into the summit between Presidents Trump and Putin that took place in Helsinki on Monday.
With me in the studio to talk about the superpower summit,... is Dr. Kim Chang-su at the Korea Institute of Defense Analyses.

There was a strong outcry even before the summit,... and President Trump has come under even more fire,... after siding with Putin at the press conference on the 2016 election meddling and instead placing blame on the FBI and the Democrats.
What did you make of his comments and do you foresee this being a major problem for President Trump in the weeks and month ahead?

The Helsinki summit came amid a critical time for the American leader. Ahead of the summit,... President Trump rattled America's European allies before seeming to side so strongly with an authoritarian adversary. Not just that,... the U.S. is in a tariff war with China. Considering Trump's approach to international diplomacy,... should South Korea be worried?

Also during the press conference,... the two leaders said they discussed the issue of nuclear proliferation. Both leaders are seemingly on the same page when it comes to North Korea. With the Helsinki summit coming at a time when Pyongyang's plans of denuclearization don't seem in tune with the U.S.,... what can we expect from the two sides going forward when it comes to North Korea?

Dr. Kim Chang-su, thank you again for your time and your insight today.

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