U.S. files complaints at WTO against EU, China, Canada, Mexico, Turkey

2018-07-17 1,216

The Trump administration has stepped up its global trade dispute by filing complaints against five nations and alliances at the World Trade Organization, challenging their retaliatory tariffs.
For more on this and other news around the world we turn to our Ro Aram….
Aram… this trade war is showing no signs of dying down…

That's right Mark… U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said in a statement Monday that the U.S. was challenging retaliatory tariffs launched by the EU, China, Canada, Mexico and Turkey.
The five imposed those tariffs in response to Washington's duties on steel and aluminum imports.
Lighthizer defended America's taxing of those products, saying it was in line with WTO rules and on the grounds of national security.
But he said it was not ok for other countries to retaliate because their tariffs were designed to punish American workers, farmers and companies.
China, however, is not backing down and has filed its own complaint at the WTO against the U.S.
Beijing is challenging last week's decision by Washington to impose new tariffs on 200 billion dollars-worth of Chinese goods.

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