Player Attack is back for 2018! Season 6 of Australia's independent video game tv series will continue to bring you all the latest in gaming news, plus interviews, reviews and features from the world of video games.
This week's episode is a bit excited about games coming to new platforms.
Nate and the 2 Hour Team try out a stylish match of kill or be killed, in Victorian "stealth-em-up" Murderous Pursuits. If you loved the multiplayer elements of Dishonored, BioShock, Hitman or Assassin's Creed, this is a four-player game that's worth your time. (If you loved 2006 title The Ship, stop reading now and go grab this one on Steam. Seriously. It's a spiritual successor, and it absolutely lives up to the hype.)
Plus, of course, we have all the latest gaming news as well - this is Player Attack!