More heatwave alerts and tropical nights _ 071318

2018-07-13 2

날씨: 더 많은 지역 폭염특보 발령, 밤에는 열대야

Now we turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates. Michelle, the coffee shops, malls, theaters -- anywhere there's air-conditioning is going to be packed with people this weekend.

I know I'll be there for sure. The heatwave is only intensifying day after day and so the alerts are being strengthened too. Seoul is currently under an advisory but it won't be long until it's turned into a warning like in the southern areas.

More heat is coming our way tomorrow. The highs will be about 3 degrees higher than today. Elsewhere in the region, Beijing gets rain and thunder, and Tokyo just about the same as here in Seoul.

Not much relief from the temperatures at night either. Seoul begins the morning at 24 degrees Celsius, but most of the southern areas will be at 25 which is considered a tropical night.

The daytime high in Seoul rises to 33 degrees, Gwangju 35 and Busan 32 degrees.

There's no rain nor wind to cool off the heat for the next couple of days. There's heatwave during the day and tropical temperatures at night, so try and find ways to stay cool through the whole day.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.