American Baptist Minister Speaks about Teachings in the Bible. Fay Ledderman Then Speaks Briefly and Both Sing a Song about Essex County's Behavior

2018-07-14 6

The contract with ICE should be terminated. "We claim to be when it fits our narrative a 'Christian' nation."

Fay Ledderman describes the stress she has been under due to family separation. While she's not at risk of having her children taken away, it is disturbing for her to see what the Trump administration is doing to the country. It is more disturbing to see that Essex County is collaborating with him.

The lyrics to the song follow:

"Which side are you on folks,
which side are you on?
Which side are you on folks,
which side are you on?
They say in Essex County
there will no neutrals be.
You'll either be for freedom
or a thug for Joey D.
Which side are you on folks,
which side are you on?"