Committee expected to raise 2019 minimum wage

2018-07-13 1

A government commission is holding discussions today to decide the country's minimum wage for next year,... after it raised the hourly pay by 16-point-4 percent this year.
The 27-member panel,.... comprised of those representing labor, employers and the public interest.... are expected to narrow their differences.
The gap between the two sides is still huge,.... with labor representatives demanding the minimum wage be set at over 10-thousand won,... or roughly 9-dollars 60-cents,... up over 43-percent,... and the employers' representatives hoping to keep the minimum wage at the same level as this year,.... which is around 6-dollars-and-70-cents an hour.
With the Moon administration's pledge to raise the hourly wage floor to at least 8-dollars-and-90-cents,... watchers expect an upward adjustment to at least seven U.S. dollars.